If you don’t find your answer here, or you want to have a chat, please feel free to contact us!

Hopefully the questions below are helpful, but if not, you can call us and have a chat, or contact us another way and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can!

Do I Need A Referral to See a Dietitian?

No, absolutely not. However, depending on your circumstances, your GP or specialist may want to write you a referral. If you have a complex medical condition, your GP may have you on a GP management plan.

What Rebates Are Available On Dietitians?

There are a number of rebates you may be able to claim:

  • Medicare rebate: if you have a GP Care Plan from your GP
  • Private health rebate: If your private health insurance covers dietetic consultations you may be able to claim a rebate.
  • DVA Gold card: services are free of charge if you hold a DVA Gold card
How Long Are Dietitian Consultations?

Initial consultations are 1 hour where we discuss you, your health and your goals, and then develop a plan tailored for you. Follow up sessions are 30 minutes where we go over our initial plan and change and adapt the plan as needed.

Personal training sessions are available for 30, 45 and 60 minutes.

Body composition analysis takes around 30 minutes including discussing results.

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Is 2 Personal Training Sessions a Week Enough?

Generally, 1-2 sessions per week is a good starting point at the begining of your fitness journey. However, you can have anywhere from 1 to 4 (or more) sessions per week, depending of your preferences and how many sessions may be required for you to reach your goals.

If you want some help with correct form lifting weights, 1 sessions per week may be enough. If you want to build your fitness for an event like Tough Mudder or a half marathon, 2-3 sessions might be better.

Speak to Will to find out more about how many sessions are right for you.

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Is a Dietitian More Qualified Than a Nutritionist?

Dietitians have qualifications, experience, and expertise on top of a general nutrition degree. Dietitians are university qualified experts in food and nutrition, with a minimum 4 year degree, including clinical placements and real-world experience. Dietitians are also recognised by Medicare and private health funds for rebates on some services.

How Much Does A Consultation Cost?

An initial dietetic consultation is $105, follow up consultations are $80. However, you may be able to claim a rebate on our services.

Personal training starts at $33 for a half hour.

Body composition analysis is $25.

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Are Dietitians Recognised By Medicare?

Accredited Practising Dietitians (APD’s, for short) are experts in the field of nutrition and food, and their interaction and impacts on our health. APD’s are university trained and are accredited by Dietitians Australia, the leading body of nutrition and dietetics in Australia. This means dietitians are recognised by Medicare, including Medicare rebates on some services through an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (which can be obtained from your GP). Dietitians have the expertise and training to help you with any problems relating to nutrition and food. Get in contact if you have questions about how we can help you.

How Much Does a Personal Training Session Cost?

Personal Training Session costs vary based on the length of session you would like. 

Price are below:

30 minutes – $37

45 minutes – $55

60 minutes – $70

The cost is for the entire session, so a two-on-one semi-private session would be the same cost, but split between two people.

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